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Submit your calls or procurements

Through this form you can submit your call (procurement, open, fast track call). Please make sure to add publish date and deadline date.

Before continuing please first get approval via email from
Provide the title of your call. Please keep it as short as possible.

Please choose your date to allow minimum 48 hours for publication
Introduction on your call. Please limit to 1-2 sentences. This text only appears on the procurement overview page, not on the individual page. Repeat in the body if needed.
Image (recommended size: 2mb)
Please upload an image here to display with your call on the Open Calls & Procurements page.
Summary of your call, containing the most important info. If you wish to add more info, please include this in the attachment.
Attachment 1 (max size: 10mb)
All the documents related to your call e.g. application form, bid template, more information on EIT Food, … Please stick to ZIP, Word or PDF files. The maximum file size is 10MB.
Attachment 2 (max size: 10mb)
All the documents related to your call e.g. application form, bid template, more information on EIT Food, … Please stick to ZIP, Word or PDF files. The maximum file size is 10MB.
Attachment 3 (max size: 10mb)
All the documents related to your call e.g. application form, bid template, more information on EIT Food, … Please stick to ZIP, Word or PDF files. The maximum file size is 10MB.
The email address that will receive the applications. Please leave this blank if you receive applications through an external link or platform.
The external website or platform that receives the applications. Please leave this blank if you receive applications through email.
Text on the button that links to the external website e.g. apply now.

Your Details