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Sustainable Aquaculture

We are transforming the aquaculture sector by reducing its carbon footprint, transitioning to circular economy, and ensuring food security and safety.

Supporting sustainable seafood consumption

Aquaculture, the farming of aquatic animals and plants such as fish, shellfish, seaweed and algae in water environments, could meet up to two-thirds of global seafood consumption by 2030. However, aquaculture practices are often inefficient and can have a significant impact on the environment and aquatic biodiversity. By supporting entrepreneurs and industry stakeholders and educating consumers, we can better scale sustainable aquaculture practices to ensure the future of seafood is secured.

Though it officially kicked off at the beginning of the year, the Vertical Farming project began to really ‘cultivate engagement’ at the start of July when it made its way to the Deutsches Museum in Munich for a three-day citizen…
Vertical farming uses empty buildings to renew neglected neighborhoods, it uses less water than traditional agriculture, but how else can it be sustainable? Here are some advantages and limitations to vertical farming
Do you know how your food produce was cultivated historically?
Join us in this three-day citizen participation forum, as we invite you to share your vision of vertical farming through images, and to discuss with us the future of local and sustainable food systems. July 5th - 7th 2018 ∣ Deutsches…

Can sustainable aquaculture help to achieve the UN SDGs?

As global demand for protein increases, aquaculture is playing a growing role in feeding the population, but is aquaculture sustainable and can it be used to address the SDGs?

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What exactly is vertical farming? I know that I picture stacked layers of plants sprouting in organised rows inside some big, bright warehouse. This isn’t quite wrong. Columbia emeritus professor Dickson Despommier is credited for making…
The word farming evokes a range of sentiments. For me, I see images of the sun shining on green, open fields with animals grazing about. Depending where you’re from, this scene may vary, but more or less, we probaby have a similar feel.…

All you can learn #2 - Sustainable Seafood: Barriers and Opportunities in the Fishing Industry

Hear what aquaculture experts have to say about sustainable seafood and the barriers and opportunities in the fishing industry!

Though it officially kicked off at the beginning of the year, the Vertical Farming project began to really ‘cultivate engagement’ at the start of July when it made its way to the Deutsches Museum in Munich for a three-day citizen…
Vertical farming uses empty buildings to renew neglected neighborhoods, it uses less water than traditional agriculture, but how else can it be sustainable? Here are some advantages and limitations to vertical farming
Do you know how your food produce was cultivated historically?
Join us in this three-day citizen participation forum, as we invite you to share your vision of vertical farming through images, and to discuss with us the future of local and sustainable food systems. July 5th - 7th 2018 ∣ Deutsches…
What exactly is vertical farming? I know that I picture stacked layers of plants sprouting in organised rows inside some big, bright warehouse. This isn’t quite wrong. Columbia emeritus professor Dickson Despommier is credited for making…
The word farming evokes a range of sentiments. For me, I see images of the sun shining on green, open fields with animals grazing about. Depending where you’re from, this scene may vary, but more or less, we probaby have a similar feel.…