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Sustainable Agriculture

We are supporting European farmers in meeting sustainability requirements by co-creating climate-neutral, fair, resilient and economically viable agricultural practices.

Accelerating the transition to sustainable farming

Agriculture is at the heart of our food system; as our population grows, so too does our dependence on it to feed and nourish us. However, agriculture, forestry and other types of land use are currently responsible for almost a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is primarily from deforestation and emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management and, therefore, the transition to sustainable agriculture is crucial. To achieve this, EIT Food works with startups and partners working to make farming more sustainable and equitable.

Podcast #65

Addressing gender bias: how to build an equitable food system

Gender equity is better for business - so why do gender barriers still exist? How do we ensure we are designing a fair and equitable future…
Young people are instrumental in shaping the future of food and deserve a voice. Here we explore the key findings of the recent EIT Food report about Gen Z, 'Our Food, Our Food System', which seeks to understand what young people want,…
We are working with motivated youth representatives accross Europe - the FutureFoodMakers - to ensure that the views of the next generation are heard.
in the media
“Despite efforts to reduce bias and promote equity, gender-based barriers persist and prevent women from realising their full potential,” according to a new report on women in agri-food technology (tech).

5 ways to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture

Transitioning to a sustainable food system is more important than ever before. What role does agriculture play and how can the agrifood industry accelerate a just transition?

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Related startups in our network

in the media
Engaging men is a critical part of the solution to the problem of gender inequality for female agrifoodtech entrepreneurs, reveals new research from KK&P.
Reducing desertification, improving soils and increasing carbon sequestration through biological charcoal (biochar) and compost
in the media
Seven winning projects are set to accelerate innovation in the aquaculture sector following selection in EIT’s Food’s sustainable aquaculture competition. They focus on topics including optimizing the shelf life of seafood products,…
in the media
The world's largest Agrifood Innovation Ecosystem, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, says regenerative agriculture is vital in helping the world's biggest foods brands achieve their net zero plans and…

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!

in the media
EIT Food, a food “innovation ecosystem” set up by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), has entered into partnership with the new European Carbon+ Farming Coalition.
EIT Food will be part of projects that address urban food challenges and include local governance
Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications for 2024 edition are closed.

Related partners

Podcast #65

Addressing gender bias: how to build an equitable food system

Gender equity is better for business - so why do gender barriers still exist? How do we ensure we are designing a fair and equitable future…
Young people are instrumental in shaping the future of food and deserve a voice. Here we explore the key findings of the recent EIT Food report about Gen Z, 'Our Food, Our Food System', which seeks to understand what young people want,…
We are working with motivated youth representatives accross Europe - the FutureFoodMakers - to ensure that the views of the next generation are heard.
in the media
“Despite efforts to reduce bias and promote equity, gender-based barriers persist and prevent women from realising their full potential,” according to a new report on women in agri-food technology (tech).
in the media
Engaging men is a critical part of the solution to the problem of gender inequality for female agrifoodtech entrepreneurs, reveals new research from KK&P.
Reducing desertification, improving soils and increasing carbon sequestration through biological charcoal (biochar) and compost
in the media
Seven winning projects are set to accelerate innovation in the aquaculture sector following selection in EIT’s Food’s sustainable aquaculture competition. They focus on topics including optimizing the shelf life of seafood products,…
in the media
The world's largest Agrifood Innovation Ecosystem, supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, says regenerative agriculture is vital in helping the world's biggest foods brands achieve their net zero plans and…
in the media
EIT Food, a food “innovation ecosystem” set up by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), has entered into partnership with the new European Carbon+ Farming Coalition.
EIT Food will be part of projects that address urban food challenges and include local governance
Training, mentoring, business coaching and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the agrifood sector. Applications for 2024 edition are closed.
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