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Sustainable Agriculture

We are supporting European farmers in meeting sustainability requirements by co-creating climate-neutral, fair, resilient and economically viable agricultural practices.

Accelerating the transition to sustainable farming

Agriculture is at the heart of our food system; as our population grows, so too does our dependence on it to feed and nourish us. However, agriculture, forestry and other types of land use are currently responsible for almost a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is primarily from deforestation and emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management and, therefore, the transition to sustainable agriculture is crucial. To achieve this, EIT Food works with startups and partners working to make farming more sustainable and equitable.

in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
The EIT Food Trust Report 2021 reveals how much trust European consumers have in the food system. Here we highlight the key findings from the report, and spotlight examples of ‘Transparency Trailblazers’ who are innovating to create total…

5 ways to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture

Transitioning to a sustainable food system is more important than ever before. What role does agriculture play and how can the agrifood industry accelerate a just transition?

Looking for more content related to Sustainable Agriculture?

Related startups in our network

Podcast #93

The Big Takeaway Series 3

It’s that time again! Matt is back with another Big Takeaway Episode, picking out some of the standout moments in Series 3 from food loss and regenerative agriculture, to protein diversification and tackling inequality in the food system.

Paltech is a recently established AgTech startup based in Freising, Germany. They are 2021 Seedbed hub alumni and won the award for best pitch. The company was founded by the two brothers Felix and Florian Schiegg and their stepfather…
Knowledge of the constituents (e.g. protein, carbohydrates) of foodstuff is important for consumers as indicators of nutritional value as well as for the food producers concerning processing quality. Additionally, food safety demands full…
Podcast #90

Spotlight: uFraction8 on biotechnology

Monika Tomecka, Founder and Director of uFraction8, highlights how they are optimising biotech processes with their scalable and high yield filtration systems for bio manufactures.

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!


2022 > 2023
Providing tried and tested food education learning materials to teachers and schools across Europe, reaching thousands of children and young people each year.
Podcast #89

High Steaks: will cultured meat save the planet?

Curious about cultured meat? In this episode, Matt is joined by Didier Toubia, Co-Founder and CEO of Aleph Farms, and Seren Kell, Science and Technology Manager at the Good Food Institute, to discuss farming cells rather than animals, and the important role of cultured meat as a climate solution.

As we look ahead to accelerate the transformation of the food system, EIT Food has combined expert insights and analysis to highlight the top 5 European food trends in 2022...
Podcast #87

Emerging trends in the food system: 2022 and beyond

In this special episode, Matt is joined by Ed Bergen, a Senior Analyst at FutureBridge, to discuss predictions for the food system in 2022 and the emerging trends which we can expect to see in the sector.

Related partners

in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
The EIT Food Trust Report 2021 reveals how much trust European consumers have in the food system. Here we highlight the key findings from the report, and spotlight examples of ‘Transparency Trailblazers’ who are innovating to create total…
Podcast #93

The Big Takeaway Series 3

It’s that time again! Matt is back with another Big Takeaway Episode, picking out some of the standout moments in Series 3 from food loss and regenerative agriculture, to protein diversification and tackling inequality in the food system.

Paltech is a recently established AgTech startup based in Freising, Germany. They are 2021 Seedbed hub alumni and won the award for best pitch. The company was founded by the two brothers Felix and Florian Schiegg and their stepfather…
Knowledge of the constituents (e.g. protein, carbohydrates) of foodstuff is important for consumers as indicators of nutritional value as well as for the food producers concerning processing quality. Additionally, food safety demands full…
Podcast #90

Spotlight: uFraction8 on biotechnology

Monika Tomecka, Founder and Director of uFraction8, highlights how they are optimising biotech processes with their scalable and high yield filtration systems for bio manufactures.


2022 > 2023
Providing tried and tested food education learning materials to teachers and schools across Europe, reaching thousands of children and young people each year.
Podcast #89

High Steaks: will cultured meat save the planet?

Curious about cultured meat? In this episode, Matt is joined by Didier Toubia, Co-Founder and CEO of Aleph Farms, and Seren Kell, Science and Technology Manager at the Good Food Institute, to discuss farming cells rather than animals, and the important role of cultured meat as a climate solution.

As we look ahead to accelerate the transformation of the food system, EIT Food has combined expert insights and analysis to highlight the top 5 European food trends in 2022...
Podcast #87

Emerging trends in the food system: 2022 and beyond

In this special episode, Matt is joined by Ed Bergen, a Senior Analyst at FutureBridge, to discuss predictions for the food system in 2022 and the emerging trends which we can expect to see in the sector.

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