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Digital Traceability

We are supporting technologies that make it easier to digitalise traceability. This can improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of food.

Tracking food via digital systems

Digital traceability can alleviate and reduce many of the agrifood sector’s most pressing risks. It can optimise the use and reuse of materials or resources, boosting the sustainability and cost-efficiency of the food supply chain. Digital traceability technologies can also certify products to ensure only fair and sustainable goods make it to market - and that the authenticity of these products are communicated to the consumer.

At EIT Food, we work with a number of startups and partners innovating and making digital traceability the norm in the agrifood industry

in the media
Vertically integrated poultry company Cooks Venture and Food In-Depth have created a QR code-backed “No Antibiotics Ever” label for poultry, endorsed by the US Drug Administration.
in the media
Agrifood SMEs are crucial to the development of much-needed innovation in the food system but encounter limited access to scale up facilities and technological proficiency, reveals a new report from EIT Food, the food arm of the EU-funded…
in the media
EIT Food’s Trust Report for 2021 has revealed some interesting insights, with sustainability coming out as the number one motivating factor for consumer choices, and indie retailers being the most trusted place to achieve this.

How can digital traceability increase trust in the agrifood industry?

Consumer trust is vital if we are to drive positive change in the agrifood industry. Do digital traceability technologies hold the key to true transparency?

Looking for more content related to Digital Traceability?

Related startups in our network

Public continues to place trust in farmers

April 10, 2022 - Farmers Guardian
in the media
The British public was more likely to trust farmers, and the rest of the food supply chain, than their European counterparts.
in the media
A new report by EIT Food - one of the eight communities to boost innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe - reveals only 47% of Europeans trust the food sector. French consumers lead the pack in scepticism.
in the media
A new Europe-wide study of more than 20,000 consumers shows that less than half of consumers have confidence in the food sector and just a third of consumers believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
While less than half of European consumers (47%) trust the integrity of food products, in Spain more than 6 out of 10 do (62%), according to the EIT Food Trust report, and especially the confidence in farmers, the highest of all groups in…

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!

in the media
Less than half of consumers in Europe (47%) say they have confidence in the integrity of food products, significantly below the average in Spain, which reaches 62%. In other words, six out of 10 consumers trust manufacturers, while 57%…
in the media
The latest results of the EIT Food Trust Report surveying 20,326 consumers across 18 European countries reveal that less than half (48%) trust food manufacturers and authorities while only a third believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.

Related partners

Agri EPI centre logo

Agri-EPI Centre

United Kingdom


in the media
Vertically integrated poultry company Cooks Venture and Food In-Depth have created a QR code-backed “No Antibiotics Ever” label for poultry, endorsed by the US Drug Administration.
in the media
Agrifood SMEs are crucial to the development of much-needed innovation in the food system but encounter limited access to scale up facilities and technological proficiency, reveals a new report from EIT Food, the food arm of the EU-funded…
in the media
EIT Food’s Trust Report for 2021 has revealed some interesting insights, with sustainability coming out as the number one motivating factor for consumer choices, and indie retailers being the most trusted place to achieve this.

Public continues to place trust in farmers

April 10, 2022 - Farmers Guardian
in the media
The British public was more likely to trust farmers, and the rest of the food supply chain, than their European counterparts.
in the media
A new report by EIT Food - one of the eight communities to boost innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe - reveals only 47% of Europeans trust the food sector. French consumers lead the pack in scepticism.
in the media
A new Europe-wide study of more than 20,000 consumers shows that less than half of consumers have confidence in the food sector and just a third of consumers believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
While less than half of European consumers (47%) trust the integrity of food products, in Spain more than 6 out of 10 do (62%), according to the EIT Food Trust report, and especially the confidence in farmers, the highest of all groups in…
in the media
Less than half of consumers in Europe (47%) say they have confidence in the integrity of food products, significantly below the average in Spain, which reaches 62%. In other words, six out of 10 consumers trust manufacturers, while 57%…
in the media
The latest results of the EIT Food Trust Report surveying 20,326 consumers across 18 European countries reveal that less than half (48%) trust food manufacturers and authorities while only a third believe the food they eat is sustainable.
in the media
A study of 20,000 people in 18 European countries shows that German consumers trust food manufacturers and authorities less than the European average.
in the media
According to a European report, more than half of citizens do not trust the food system, producers and authorities, and only one in three believe that the food they eat is sustainable.
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