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Digital Traceability

We are supporting technologies that make it easier to digitalise traceability. This can improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of food.

Tracking food via digital systems

Digital traceability can alleviate and reduce many of the agrifood sector’s most pressing risks. It can optimise the use and reuse of materials or resources, boosting the sustainability and cost-efficiency of the food supply chain. Digital traceability technologies can also certify products to ensure only fair and sustainable goods make it to market - and that the authenticity of these products are communicated to the consumer.

At EIT Food, we work with a number of startups and partners innovating and making digital traceability the norm in the agrifood industry

Developing technology to improve food safety
At Test Farms, we are on a mission to drive technological transformation in agriculture. Our programme is uniquely designed to support startups and innovators in testing, validating, and showcasing agritech solutions to potential clients…
Elevate Your Business: Join our Programmes for Startups and CompaniesInnovate, Scale, Collaborate!

How can digital traceability increase trust in the agrifood industry?

Consumer trust is vital if we are to drive positive change in the agrifood industry. Do digital traceability technologies hold the key to true transparency?

Looking for more content related to Digital Traceability?

Related startups in our network

The agrifood industry has created many problems, but these challenges also come with many opportunities for innovation and change. The global community is working towards improving the food system, but different actors have to be involved:…
Shockingly, we dispose of a third of all the food we produce and a lot of food waste is linked to 'date marking'. Maria Hidalgo, Co-Founder and CEO ColorSensing, is on a mission to change this with her startup ColorSensing. Discover how…
Improving communication of food health claims. This project builds on a previous programme of work to engage consumers and manufacturers on the wording of food health claims, with the aim of increasing consumer confidence and trust.

EIT Food Open Innovation Call 2023

Have you got an idea for an innovative project that will create positive change in the food system? We want to hear from you!

Related partners

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Agri-EPI Centre

United Kingdom


Developing technology to improve food safety
At Test Farms, we are on a mission to drive technological transformation in agriculture. Our programme is uniquely designed to support startups and innovators in testing, validating, and showcasing agritech solutions to potential clients…
Elevate Your Business: Join our Programmes for Startups and CompaniesInnovate, Scale, Collaborate!
The agrifood industry has created many problems, but these challenges also come with many opportunities for innovation and change. The global community is working towards improving the food system, but different actors have to be involved:…
Shockingly, we dispose of a third of all the food we produce and a lot of food waste is linked to 'date marking'. Maria Hidalgo, Co-Founder and CEO ColorSensing, is on a mission to change this with her startup ColorSensing. Discover how…
Improving communication of food health claims. This project builds on a previous programme of work to engage consumers and manufacturers on the wording of food health claims, with the aim of increasing consumer confidence and trust.