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Direction: Restaurant of the Future

Pobierz bezpłatnie raport "Kierunek: Restauracja Przyszłości" również w języku polskim! Uzyskaj dostęp do wyników badania i listy zrównoważonych praktyk dla sektora HoReCa, zapisując się do newslettera EIT Food poniżej.

How can the HoReCa sector become more sustainable? Learn the research insights, discover the challenges, opportunities and best practices co-created by industry leaders.​

11 May 2022
EIT Food North & East

Get free access to unique data and a list of sustainable practices for the HoReCa sector by signing up to the EIT Food network!

HoReCa industry was heavily negatively impacted by the pandemic, also due to numerous lockdowns. Gastronomy has recently had a very strenuous time. In their struggle for survival, restaurants had to modify not only the way they worked but also their offer, sales channels, employee management, cooperation with suppliers and communication with customers.

Right now, the industry is changing, both in terms of mindset and business operations. The time has come to build new strategies.

  • How can sustainability and best practices be included in them?
  • What are the biggest challenges and most important opportunities for the gastronomy industry?
  • What are the recommended sustainable practices? How and why implement them in the hospitality business?

Download the report

Read the EIT Food report “Direction: Restaurant of the Future” summarising the research study and co-creative work of the leaders of Polish gastronomy. Its purpose was to investigate the main directions of transformation in the HoReCa sector and to support its participants in introducing more responsible and sustainable practices, despite the pandemic. This bottom-up initiative involved industry practitioners at every stage, so the proposed practices and tools developed were relevant and practical.

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