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Consumer trust in the food chain: exploring barriers and motivations

This study helps us gain a deeper understanding of consumer attitudes towards the food chain, particularly the role trust plays in that relationship.

29 Sep 2022

Trust in the food chain is vital to encourage people to eat more healthily and sustainably. This Citizen Participation Forum (CPF) presents key insights, needs and recommendations from consumers about building trust in the food chain.

This CPF ran from late 2020 to early 2021 and involved an online community of 178 participants from 13 European countries, who engaged in open discussions, photo assignments, questionnaires, short polls and five live focus group sessions.

In the report Consumer trust in the food chain: exploring barriers and motivations, the insights from consumers are divided into three key themes which play a role in influencing consumers to eat more healthily, more sustainably, and to be more open towards food innovation.

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