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Venture creation as part of food related trade and scientific events

Matis, University of Cambridge, IARFR PAS and VTT will run a venture creation workshop connected to a scientific event or fair Finland in 2020.


The participants will learn the art of creation by building and testing their own strategy instead of listening to theory as well as having the opportunity to find others to launch a start up with. It addresses the needs of students from RIS countries. The proposed action addresses the challenge of improving entrepreneurial culture, gaps in talents and skills of university graduates as well as well as insufficient adoption of emerging technologies. There is an opportunity to get more impact out of food related scientific events by linking them to “Venturing Schools".  The aim is also to “outsource” the Venturing School and make it financially sustainable under the umbrella of EIT Food so other interested partners could carry on this activity in the future.


Project lead

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Gudjon Thorkelsson

Strategic Researcher MatĂ­s