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2023 Teams

Meet the Teams from 2023 edition!


In the 2023 TeamUp edition, +60 innovators from +17 countries in Southern and Eastern Europe were invited to participate in the Matchmaking phase of TeamUp. For over a month, participants identified their values and motivations, got to know each other, networked and tested their matches in different business scenarios.

After this intense and intensive phase, 20 matches between tech and business profiles were made, and 15 of them were selected for the next phase of the programme. These 15 newly-formed teams are now taking part in the Exploration phase, during which they are exploring and testing their match. In addition, the teams will be supported with business building and team formation training, a stipend, as well as business and team building coaching from world-class experts.

Meet the 2023 TeamUp Exploration Phase teams:


Biopols is a 100% natural biopolymer-based food packaging and coating solution. It extends the shelf life of products like fruits, vegetables, and meat. This product aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the food and beverage industry by reducing waste and offering a greener alternative to current packaging.


Sena Tarim Yalçinkaya (Turkey)

Naci Kahraman (Turkey)


FROOF uses fermentation tech to transform crops grown with regenerative agriculture practices to produce immunity-boosting, nutrient rich, sugar free ready-to-drink beverages. With their climate friendly probiotic powders, they connect regenerative farmers with end customers - restoring soil, reclaiming our health, and creating favourable and profitable conditions for farmers to apply regenerative methods.

Katarina Kostic (Spain)

Asso Lankots (Estonia)


Farmhood is an innovative startup dedicated to combating food waste through cutting-edge research and development studies on raw materials, resulting in the creation of functional products. Products offer distinct experiences and benefits while Farmhood's focus is on sourcing raw materials from sustainable channels, including food by-products, agricultural surplus, and unsold food.


Selin Arslan​ (Turkey)

Tea Vrcić​ (Croatia)


Bionome pioneers the future of nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals using cutting-edge genetic engineering and sustainable bioprocessing techniques. Our innovative and scalable design harnesses the power of photosynthetic microorganisms using light and air to produce the purest, high-yield CBD and Fucoxanthin 4-5 times faster than traditional approaches, while ensuring consistent quality and elimination of environmental impact


Abdul Keeri​ (Poland)

Monika Ledzion (Poland)


BeadRoots was born to help farmers tackle drought through natural superabsorbent polymers, helping retain more water in the soil. Our solution is completely biodegradable, eco-friendly and serves as a plant nutrient once degraded.


Valerio De Luca (Italy)

Paolo Pezzolla​ (Italy)

Angela Bonato​ (Italy)

Raw Edge

Raw Edge pioneers revolutionary fermentation tech, crafting delicious, low-sugar, gut-friendly eats that redefine wellness and taste. Blending local, natural ingredients, we're at the forefront of a new era in health, grabbing attention with our innovative nutrition and eco-friendly focus.


Kristel Vene​ (Estonia)

Mariliis Mia Topp (Estonia)

Aleš Ogorevc (Slovenia)

Wise Plant Food

Wise Plant Food is scientifically developing vegan dairy products that not only perfectly replace dairy products, but also taste great, have a clean composition and health-promoting properties thanks to the content of probiotic bacteria cultures, and are made from local organic ingredients.


Dorota Najgebauer-Lejko (Poland)

Daniel Żmudziński​ (Poland)

Małgorzata Staniszewska (Poland)

Wolffia Suprema

High-impact agri-food tech company that grows Wolffia globosa, a sustainable source of plant-based protein for human and animal nutrition, on a large scale while contributing to the regeneration of the Earth's resources and mitigating carbon emissions. WolffiaSuprema is developing a breakthrough technology for vertical, indoor, ultra-fast, automatic cultivation of Wolffia globosa, helping to meet the soaring global demand for healthy, safe, and sustainable food.


Eugenia Ana Bucur (Romania)

Begüm Önal (Turkey)


Strawberry and vegetables electric vehicle is a new design for agriculture automation. A self-propelled electric vehicle allows to facilitate work, increasing labour productivity and product quality when growing strawberries, asparagus and other crops.


Oleh Prykhodko​ (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Baliura​ (Ukraine)


Bestran is implementing a technology of manufacturing natural beta-carotene by fermentation of agricultural by-products with the fungus Blakeslea trispora to replace chemically synthesised beta-carotene in the food market for healthier food and environment.


Oleksandr Rudas​ (Spain)

Viktoriia Komarysta​ (Spain)

İhsan Çakir​ (Turkey)


CrushLab offers emerging winemakers a cost-effective and supportive solution with access to specialized equipment, expertise, and established facilities, and customized wine solutions to businesses, all while promoting sustainability through a hybrid co-working and custom-crush business model.


Olivia Ragni (Spain)

Martins Pjalkovskis (Latvia)

Bisztriánszky Gergely (Hungary)


BecibusAI harnesses the biodiversity of Latin America's natural food ingredients by leveraging transformative AI-driven food reformulation. It empowers sustainable, healthy, and culturally rich product development while redefining the future of the food industry.


Oscar Días (Portugal)

Ricardo Pereira (Portugal)

Eliana Bejarano (Spain)


An innovative biological preparation leveraging metabolites from patented bacteria is under development. This preparation, available as a suspension, spray or dip seeks to enhance the quality and longevity of soft fruits and vegetables by boosting their health and freshness during pré and post-harvest stages, aiming to revolutionize produce preservation and offer consumers extended shelf life and improved nutritional benefits.


Danuta Kruszewska (Poland)

Teresa Braz (Portugal)

Project lead

Juan Zaffora02
Juan Ignacio Zaffora EIT Food South

Regional Programme Manager – Startups

Paulina Nowotka EIT Food North & East

Junior Project Manager

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