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All EIT Food projects

There are many different EIT Food activities helping us build a better food system for Europe. Browse our projects to find out more!

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A total of 340 items found. Showing 340 items on page 15 of 29.
Healthricous will introduce a digital solution that makes shopping, cooking and keeping track of the daily food intake easy and accessible
Mtching COVID will launch a platform connecting recovering COVID-19 patients with dietitians and health coaches to motivate them, follow-up and provide inspiring recipes
Safelivery will develop innovative food delivery services and protocols to reduce the risk of surface and packaging contamination of “Ready To Eat Foods” with the COVID-19 virus and other agents
The starting point is the clear link between the dietary pattern of consumers and the environmental footprint of these patterns.
The project will provide information on how the corona crisis will lead to changes in consumer behaviour.
In the fight against chronic diet-related diseases it is the EU food and health system organization’s aim to improve consumers’ food literacy. Food education in a form of professional personalised advice is more trusted and accepted by…
The aim of the project will be to develop an interactive platform for families with children from different countries where they will have the opportunity to receive information and advice about how to improve their food habits and choices…
The food that consumers buy and eat is influenced by a complex interaction of cognitive, sensory, economic, and health factors that lead to gaps between their intentions and behaviour.
The Curating Citizen Engagement project will revolutionise our way of solving grand societal challenges by creating a platform for massive public involvement and knowledge generation, specifically targeting food-related issues.
TRACOD – short for TRAck the COD fish, is an EIT Food project aimed at improving the ability of producers and consumers to track freshness and nutritional values of fresh fish, including cod, salmon, and other white fish species. TRACOD…
Monitoring complex food products to increase trust in food