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Orbem GFVP 2018

Orbem is unleashing AI-powered imaging for the poultry industry, seed quality control and other applications. Their solution prevents the waste of more than 10 billion unfertilised eggs, enough to feed an egg per day to more than 28 million people for a year. The company is a spin-off of TUM university and has raised 9.5 MIO investment.

Cano-ela GFVP 2019

Cano-ela is a food tech company that aims to remove refined ingredients from the food supply chain using an unique extraction process on oil-rich seeds. Cano-ela is a pre-seed company and has raised an undisclosed amount of funding.

Revo Foods GFVP 2020

Revo Foods is a deep tech university spin-off that offers seafood made 100% out of plants, aiming to change the way public consumes fish products. Revo Foods products are currently in 20 countries and the company has raised over 4MIO investment after exiting GFVP.

  • No matter if you have a breakthrough idea or not, GFVP puts you in the centre of a network that will test your business idea, giving you the tools to see beyond technology. It was a rewarding self-improvement experience, both personal and professional.

    - Miguel Molina, Orbem, Alumnus GFVP
  • The GFVP was an amazing experience from the beginning; coaching helped me through all the steps. The Programme improved my entrepreneurial mindset, and my project had an organic evolution.

    - Catarina Chemetova, FiberGlob, Alumna GFVP
  • All those EIT Food programmes brought me a lot of tools, skills and contacts that were instrumental in my journey as an entrepreneur. I had workshops about pitching and financing that were immediately applicable to my first steps with Cano-ela.

    - Juliana Romero Guzmán, CEO Cano-ela, Alumna GFVP
  • The programme provided invaluable guidance from seasoned professionals and facilitated connections with fellow entrepreneurs.

    - Robin Simsa, CEO and co-founder Revo Foods, Alumnus GFVP
  • The current food production system is not sustainable at all, so we need to tackle the effect of climate change and rethink our agriculture. The GFVP programme gave me the chance to train my entrepreneurial skills and to develop a business mindset with a more global perspective. This is crucial in what I’m doing today. I still benefit from the support and the network.

    - Dr Marine Valton, Co-Founder NouriSol, GFVP Alumna

Project lead

Mariana Fazenda

EIT Food Education - Programme Manager

Stella Spanou 3
Stella Spanou

Activity Lead - Aarhus University

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