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Authenticity of food with ethic and religious perspective: increasing trust in European supply system (EThichain)

Using technology to fight food fraud


This project aims to develop rapid and portable food DNA analysis systems to verify the authenticity of food products for communities with ethical or religious dietary requirements (such as vegan, Halal and Kosher).  

Many food supply chains are complex, which can make them extremely vulnerable to food fraud. The horsemeat scandal in 2013 was a turning point: it resulted in a significant drop in overall consumer trust in food. Transparency around food traceability is crucial for consumers in repairing this trust, rebuilding it, and preventing further damage.  

This project will develop a range of authenticity verification systems which could be implemented at different stages in the food value chain to fight food fraud. Specifically, this will focus on food products which require verification for communities who have ethical or religious dietary requirements. As part of this, we will collate all the information regarding a specific product, including results from food sensing analysis, and make this information accessible across the whole supply chain.  

This work will improve the traceability of a range of products, providing a complete picture of their quality, and helping to rebuild consumer trust in food. 


Project lead

Elisa Jiménez

Senior Researcher at AZTI Food Research Division

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