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Nationally Rooted – Globally Connected


Let's ACTinEITFood

ACTinEITFood is a joint project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and EIT Food - the initiative of the EU that aims to make our food system healthier, more sustainable and more transparent. Our goal is to make our food system future-proof. We have a mission to build an inclusive and innovative community where the consumer is actively involved. ACTinEITFood is the national project in Germany.

These are our missions:

  • Support creation and growth of start-ups in the agri-food sector to create new food innovations and businesses.
  • Developing talent and leaders to transform the food system.
  • Launch and promote innovative products and business models for healthier and more sustainable food.
  • Engage the general public to enable consumers to make informed and sustainable food consumption choices.

From production to consumption, over 32 percent of all food is still lost in our country, for example when it spoils in transit, in supermarkets or in private households, or ends up as food waste in the rubbish. Moreover, energy and freshwater resources continue to be wasted in many places. EIT Food's Europe-wide mission is a revolution in the food system.

EIT Food is a pan-European network of over 220 universities, research institutes and the food industry and agriculture, and has been given a mandate by the EU to facilitate new technologies to help produce food in a more sustainable and resource-efficient way. Through knowledge transfer (communication and education), innovation (support of innovation projects of our corporate partners) and business creation (launch - accelerate - scale), we want to ensure at all levels that the scientific innovations really reach the consumers.

ACT in EIT Food Logo


If you ....

  • have founded a start-up and have questions about our programmes
  • are an small or medium enterprise (SME) and simply want to learn more about our work in the field of innovation
  • are an association that would like to work with us on our mission

Connect with us - let's ACTinEITFood. We look forward to meeting you!

Call for Agencies: RFP of EIT Food Central

EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted.

The initiative is made up of a consortium of key industry players, startups, research centres and universities from across Europe. It is one of eight Innovation Communities established by the European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT), an independent EU body set up in 2008 to drive innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.

EIT Food aims to collaborate closely with consumers to develop new knowledge and technology-based products and services that will ultimately deliver a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for all European citizens.

Request for proposals EIT Food Open Innovation Forum Munich

Request for proposals

EIT Food Open Innovation Forum


EIT Food – Making Food Innovation Happen

Knowledge & Innovation Center on Food,
part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Table of contents

Table of contents 2

1. Overview of EIT Food 3

2. Scope of work 3

2.1. Introduction 3

2.2. Dates 4

2.3. Location 4

2.4. Design 4

2.5. Digital Tools 5

2.6. Draft Agenda 5

2.7. Catering 5

2.8. Logistics 5

2.9. Personnel 6

2.10. Expression of Interest 6

3. Proposal Process 7

3.1. Participation 7

3.2. Submission of proposal 7

3.3. Validity of the proposals 8

3.4. Requests for additional information or clarification 8

3.5. Costs for preparing proposals 8

3.6. Clarification related to the submitted proposals 8

3.7. Negotiation about the submitted proposal 8

3.8. Evaluation of proposals 9

3.9. Appeals/complaints 9

3.10. Cancellation of the proposal procedure 9

3.11. Ethics clauses / Corruptive practices 9

Overview of EIT Food

EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted.

The initiative is made up of a consortium of key industry players, startups, research centres and universities from across Europe. It is one of eight Innovation Communities established by the European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT), an independent EU body set up in 2008 to drive innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.

EIT Food aims to collaborate closely with consumers to develop new knowledge and technology-based products and services that will ultimately deliver a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for all European citizens.

For more information about our company please visit the following website:

Scope of work


EIT Food functions on a regional basis and in 2023, the team from CLC Central (CLC= co-location centre), based in Freising/Munich, wants to organize the first Open Innovation Forum (exact name still tbd). This event will bring the stakeholders of EIT Food CLC Central together in one place, showcase the impact EIT Food is having regionally and make its work tangible to all attendees.

The invite-only one-day event will have a focus on open innovation, highlight the efforts of EIT Food CLC Central in supporting startups, connecting startups and corporates, creating an open innovation culture, including farmers, EIT Food partners and potential partners.

The 2023 edition will be the first of this yearly event and so we want it to reflect the work we do but also the standing we have as a driver of systems change. The event should be innovative, inviting, interactive and influential. This should be reflected in the format, the decoration, the food offered etc.

Our objectives for the event are:

  • Inspire and provide insights on different facets of open innovation at EIT Food (collaborative research, startup collaborations, etc.)
  • Showcase EIT Food CLC Central success stories
  • Attract new EIT Food partners & clients
  • Create the bustling atmosphere of our innovative ecosystem shaping the food system of the future
  • Create space for networking and matchmaking between the leading players in the agri-food industry

We want to create a tour of EIT Food CLC Central where attendees are guided through an exhibition and can actively engage in different parts of EIT Food. At each station (e.g. startup/corporate collaboration) we will showcase some success stories and have partners/startups/farmers present what they do. By the end of their tour, attendees should be able to easily grasp what EIT Food does, want to engage and be inspired to share what we do with others, and actively join our network and further activities.

The second half of the day will be full of content created by the community for the community to encourage exchange of ideas and experience.

The event will nicely sit within the other pan-European EIT Food events of the year, namely the “Future of Food Conference” in Q2, the “Venture Summit” happening in Lisbon in Q4 and the “Let’s get real about Food” in Q2 or Q4. Other regional formats have also already been adopted such as the Fun&Fan in Bilbao, showcasing the EIT Food South network.

We are looking for an experienced events coordinator to help deliver the event. The following document details the services we are looking for the contractor to provide and the budget available. It also provides details on how interested contractors can submit a proposal.


EIT Food CLC Central wants to host the Open Innovation Forum between the 26th of June and 7th of July 2023. Ideally, we’d like it to be on a Thursday but that is not a must.

In the proposal, the contractor should outline the prices for hosting the event in that time frame and also suggest possible locations. The contractor should also research other events happening in Munich at that time to ensure we do not clash with other major events.


The Open Innovation Forum will take place in or around Munich. Delegates should be able to travel there easily using public transport. However, for an iconic location (e.g. lakeside, boat), other options in the surroundings of Munich can be considered. We can also envision having separate locations – think big!

The feel and vibe of the event should match the innovative nature of our ecosystem and should reflect our values and the future of food.

EIT Food CLC Central is seeking a venue with the following characteristics:

  • open, dynamic environment breathing innovation & creativity
  • can hold 120-160 guests
  • easily accessible by public transport
  • Enough space for a “tour of EIT Food” with several stations and a stage for keynotes/panel discussions
  • Incorporated themes of sustainability and agrifood

The contractor is responsible for finding, securing and contracting the venue to host the Open Innovation Forum.


The contractor would be responsible for the look and feel of the event; whilst also making sure it follows the EIT Food brand guidelines. Designing the look and feel will include:

  • the physical design of the actual venue (decorations, branding etc)
  • standardised visuals for presentations
  • signage
  • lanyards
  • merchandise

Digital Tools

Depending on the event format and locations, as well as budget and design considerations, we would consider having a digital networking tool to facilitate conversations and matchmaking between attendees. In the proposal, the contractor should give their suggestions on whether this would be a good addition, and which tool to use.

Draft Agenda

EIT Food will be responsible for drafting and filling the agenda of the Open Innovation Forum. However, to assist the planning for the contractor, we provide the following standard information.



Number of people



Evening before the event

VIP Dinner

Max 40


This will be invite-only

Morning 9- 10:30

Welcome + keynote


Main stage



Tour of EIT Food: semi-guided tours through our set-up with explanations at each station

varying between 30-40 per group

Open to suggestions

The design will need to make this smooth and noise will need to be handled carefully

12:30 – 14:00



14:00 – 16:30

Interactive formats e.g. workshops


Closing words

Main stage


Closing cocktail


This is optional


The contractor will be responsible for all the catering during the event. In your proposal, please include options and budgets for:

  • VIP Dinner for max 40 people the night before the actual event
  • A lunch concept:
    • E.g., external food trucks, opportunities for our startups to share their foods, and for participants to tangibly experience the future of food
    • Feel free to suggest different options, we welcome originality
  • Evening cocktail reception for 160 people
  • Permanent tea, coffee and water.

As a food focussed organisation, it is very important that the food we serve adheres to some guidelines:

  • Locally and sustainably sourced
  • No single-use plastic used in the serving and transportation of the food and drink
  • Predominantly vegetarian
  • Could support local food businesses and startups
  • Solutions in place to ensure that there is zero food waste.


On the day of the Open Innovation Forum, the contractor will be responsible for the smooth running of the event, including but not limited to:

  • Set up: including all decorations, the stations on the EIT Food tour, the stage etc.
  • Registration process
  • Ensuring speakers are where they need to be
  • Tech
  • Close down


The contractor will also be responsible for finding and contracting suitable personnel to deliver the event. The tasks that they will be responsible for include:

  • Hosting
  • Tech
  • Registration
  • Catering
  • Photographers
  • Videographers

We do want to stress diversity in all people being present at the venue.

Expression of Interest

EIT Food has allocated a budget of 40.000 - 60.000 Euro to deliver this event. The selected contractor will be chosen following best value for money principles (more on the selection criteria below).

Proposal Process


Participation in this proposal procedure is open to all tenderers.

Submission of proposal


Sending out RFP invitations to the potential suppliers

29 August 2022

Deadline for requesting clarification from EIT Food

12 September 2022

Deadline for submitting proposals

22 September 2022

Proposals must be emailed in English to the following address:

Contact name: Ms. Marie Brueser


The proposal shall contain:

  • the technical response to the service requested (point 2)
  • Please include:
    • Your suitability and experience for delivering such an event. Please describe other similar events that you have conducted
    • A preliminary plan of where, when and how you would deliver the event
    • Some examples for the Design and Look and Feel you propose
    • Some proposed menus
  • the financial offer (the price for the services.) The Financial offer shall be expressed in Euros, VAT shall be indicated separately.
    • Please include a detailed budget breakdown – please note that the selected contractor will be responsible for all relevant subcontracting (venue, catering, staff, tech etc)

Responses should be concise and clear. The tenderer’s proposal will be incorporated into any contract that results from this procedure. Tenderers are, therefore, cautioned not to make claims or statements that they are not prepared to commit to contractually. Subsequent modifications and counter-proposals, if applicable, shall also become an integral part of any resulting contract.

The tenderer confirms that the individual submitting the natural or legal entity’s proposal is duly authorized to bind its entity to the proposal as submitted. The tenderer also confirms that they have read the instructions to tenderers and have the experience, skills and resources to perform, according to conditions set forth in this proposal and the tenderers’ proposal.

Validity of the proposals

Tenderers are bound by their proposals for 90 days after the deadline for submitting proposals or until they have been notified of non-award.

The selected winner must maintain its proposal for a further 60 days to close the contract.

Proposals not following the instructions of this Request for Proposal can be rejected by EIT Food.

Requests for additional information or clarification

In case the tenderers require additional information or clarifications, these should be addressed to the person indicated below. All communication between EIT Food and tenderers is only possible in writing, all requests will be done and answered by e-mail only. All questions should be sent prior to deadline for requesting clarification as specified in Section 3.1. In case of complex or high value procurements, EIT Food may arrange a clarification session of which it will inform all tenderers.

Contact name: Ms Marie Brueser


EIT Food has no obligation to provide clarification.

Costs for preparing proposals

No costs incurred by the tenderer in preparing and submitting the proposal are reimbursable. All such costs must be borne by the tenderer.

Clarification related to the submitted proposals

After submission of the proposals, they shall be checked if they satisfy all the formal requirements set out in the proposal dossier. Where information or documentation submitted by the tenderers are or appears to be incomplete or erroneous or where specific documents are missing, EIT Food may request the tenderer concerned to submit, supplement, clarify or complete the relevant information or documentation within an appropriate time limit. All communication between EIT Food and tenderers is only possible in writing, all requests will be done and answered by e-mail only.

Negotiation about the submitted proposal

After checking the administrative compliance of the tenderers, EIT Food reserves the right to negotiate the contract terms with the tenderers. In this negotiation EIT Food may ask all tenderers to adjust the proposal or specific sections of the proposal within an appropriate time limit. In case of negotiation, EIT Food shall provide further information about the proceedings and timing.

Evaluation of proposals

The quality of each proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the below mentioned award criteria. The award criteria will be examined in accordance with the requested service indicated in Section 2 of the document.

Award criteria:

  1. Project experience and competences of the members of the proposed project teams (maximum: 20 points)
  2. Understanding of concept and adaptation of EIT Food’s needs, e.g. location (maximum: 25 points)
  3. Methodology approach of project and proposed project implementation (maximum: 25 points)
  4. Price or total cost: lowest offered expert unit price shall receive the highest score; the score for other offers shall be calculated in relation to that in linear equation (maximum: 30 points)

Total maximum score: 100 points

The results of the award procedure will be communicated in writing (via e-mail) to the successful and unsuccessful tenderers.


Tenderers believing that they have been harmed by an error or irregularity during the award process may file a complaint. Appeals should be addressed to EIT Food. The tenderers have 3 calendar days to file their complaints from the dispatch of the award notification e-mail.

Cancellation of the proposal procedure

In the event of cancellation of the procurement procedure, EIT Food will notify tenderers of the cancellation. In no event shall EIT Food be liable for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, in any way connected with the cancellation of a proposal procedure, even if EIT Food has been advised of the possibility of damages.

Ethics clauses / Corruptive practices

EIT Food reserves the right to suspend or cancel the procedure, where the award procedure proves to have been subject to substantial errors, irregularities or fraud. If substantial errors, irregularities or fraud are discovered after the award of the Contract, EIT Food may refrain from concluding the Contract.

The supplier shall take all measures to prevent any situation where the impartial and objective implementation of the contract is compromised for reasons involving economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional ties or any other shared interest (‘conflict of interests’). The supplier should immediately inform EIT Food if there is any change in the above circumstances at any stage during the implementation of the tasks.

Project lead

Microsoft Teams image 16
Frank Horlbeck EIT Food West

Senior Regional Communications and Event Manager

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