Personalised Nutrition for All!
EIT Food, Foodvalley NL and Food Innovation Hub Europe joined together to support this initiative to reduce obesity and malnutrition in Europe. The Personalised Nutrition for All Challenge invited multi-stakeholder groups, start-ups and early-stage solutions that support these focus areas.
Table of Contents
6 winners of the first Prize Based Challenge – Personalized Nutrition for all!
Track 1: Route to Market
- EKTAH: new nutritional solutions to reduce body weight gain.
- Nutrinomics & Ligue Cardio: Making Personalized Nutrition accessible to high-risk, underprivileged population
- L3M Technologies Ltd t/a Salus Optima: The integration of real-time metabolic, behavioural and lifestyle monitoring into a personalised nutrition service for effective weight-loss and health-gain.
Track 2: Behavioral Change
- Aigecko Technologies SL: AI-based nutritional tracker for objective, continuous, friendly and easy to use food intake monitoring
- Roche Diagnostics: Simple personalisation for large groups of consumers in a health care setting for preventing people with pre-diabetes to get diabetes
Track 3: Science & Big Data
- Verdify: Hyper personalised nutrition to tackle obesity (HYPER)
We will also provide a special recognition to another proposal that was a runner-up:
- Venner Oy: Using tech and play to increase personalised fruit and veggie consumption during early years in child health centres
Personalised Nutrition for All! Webinar Recording

Challenge Summary
Help reduce obesity and malnutrition in Europe. Share your ideas for Personalised Nutrition and win money to grow your initiative.
In partnership with
Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, while 3.5 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. One area that has seen great progress is Personalised Nutrition, which includes the sciences, technologies, tools and services that provide consumers with individualized dietary recommendations and products. These tools have empowered consumers by helping them understand more about their own bodies and educating them as to the best way forward in managing their health. However, there is still a need to make these technologies not only more accessible and affordable to a broader community but also more user-friendly and engaging. There are also growing concerns around data protection and the use of personal data that need to be addressed if we want a larger adoption of these solutions.
This challenge is about finding new solutions and tools for monitoring and improving an individual’s health. We welcome proposals that address one or more of the following tracks:
Track 1: Route to Market
How can we help to reduce obesity and malnutrition by making tools more affordable and accessible to a broader community?
According to Our World in Data, 22.82% of the EU population was obese in 2016 compared to just 9.3% in 1975, meaning there was a 161% increase in about 40 years. Currently, information on how to remedy these health concerns is fragmented and difficult to access. We invite initiatives that help raise awareness and spread knowledge in the area of malnutrition and obesity. We want to find ways to bring education around nutrition and behavioral science to a broader community. This can include training mechanisms for groups utilizing digital tools to manage their health, platforms that bring information to a wider community, solutions that make it easier for more people to use these tools. Do you have a solution that addresses affordability, accessibility or education?
Track 2: Behavioral Change
How can we empower consumers to manage their health?
With the increase in digital health tools on the market today, consumers are feeling a sense of ‘app fatigue’. Obstacles, such as tools requiring a lot of input information and difficult user-interfaces, prevent people from utilizing potentially helpful solutions. For this reason, we are seeking user-friendly monitoring tools and products for consumers. These can be tools that provide early detection of malnutrition or obesity. Ideally, these could be used for the prevention of these ailments. Solutions that keep consumers engaged, incorporate rewarding mechanisms, etc. are of interest. Please share your solution for helping to empower consumers.
Track 3: Science & Big Data
How might we enable a more targeted approach to consumers' health?
Every human body has different performances and needs. It has been shown that a more individualized approach for health concerns can lead to better management of one’s health. We are looking for solutions including: tools based on an individual’s data (vitamin D monitoring, GI tract complexity, etc.), biomarkers, scientific data, healthy aging and reducing NCDs, methods that utilize science and big data to create a personalised nutrition approach, etc.
Six winners will each be awarded €30,000, opening the possibility for further funding by EIT Food
- This Prize money will be used to support the development of the proposed solution by the winners into a viable project plan during a period of 2 to 6 months after the closing of the Prize-based Challenge. EIT Food can help the winning teams in such an effort.
- After the viability development phase, EIT Food will select the most promising projects among the winners (number TBD) and allocate enough funding to sustain the development to go to market. EIT Food reserves the right to select or not, and to fund or not, any projects.
In addition to the prizes mentioned above, winners will also receive a non-monetary incentive
- Foodvalley NL will provide a 50% discount on the community partnership fees for 1 year (starting Oct 22) for the main applicant of the consortium of each of the 6 winning initiatives. The community partnership provides the recipient with easy access to a curated professional community paving the way to personalised nutrition solutions and offering possibilities to:
- CONNECT: safe environment to partner up on your ideas and innovate jointly, find inspiration and exchange information with a mix of cross-sectoral organisations working on PN
- GROW: access to more knowledge, expertise, new perspectives, facilities, entrepreneurship support and funding to accelerate developments, get more visibility/exposure and reach full potential.
- ACCELERATE: have an impact/influence on the roadmap tackling the most important roadblocks to the acceleration of the Personalised Nutrition field (e.g. science & big data, bringing personalisation to the mass, …).
Applications can take place from May 12th to Sept 1st 2022 at 12am CET (Midnight). Review and selection will take place including a digital presentation and consultation of the most promising initiatives (Sept 2022). An online award ceremony and presentation event will take place during the week of the World Food Day on Oct 17th 2022 at the EIT Food annual event “Let's Get Real about Food” in Brussels, with the announcement of the winning initiatives. Winners will be required to make a 2 min max video describing their group and proposed solution, all videos will be screened at the award ceremony.
Judging Criteria
We are looking for exciting, multi-partner, multi-stakeholder initiatives that provide solutions on obesity reduction or malnutrition prevention by employing personalised nutrition approaches. Herewith providing the positive impact of food towards human health and a sustainable planet. The multi-partner and multi-stakeholder initiative can be in existence, or the initiative can come into existence via the ‘Prize-based Challenge Personalised Nutrition for All’.
Solutions are expected to demonstrate a maturity level consistent with a go to market within a reasonable amount of time not exceeding 2 to 3 years, thus a TRL level of 5 and up.
The most promising submitted initiatives will be selected by a jury committee on pre-defined criteria as follows:
Section | Description | Weight |
Impact | The impact of the described initiative leads to a significant reduction of obesity or malnutrition by implementing Personalised Nutrition tools or technology. The initiative provides a positive impact on a broader community and for the target group of those struggling with obesity and malnutrition. | 30% |
Feasibility | The initiative is rooted in local research + innovation and the initiative include experts to ensure that the initiative is feasible at the technical, economic, political and social level. | 25% |
Collaboration | The initiative is a joint effort by a variety of multi-stakeholder partners with different backgrounds, fields of expertise, and geography to make your initiative a success. The initiative supports the development in the field of reduction of obesity and malnutrition by employing Personalised nutrition tools. | 20% |
Proposal Quality | Quality of proposal: clearly written description of how technology solution will address the unmet need | 25% |
How to Submit
Submit your application between May 12, 2022 and September 1, 2022 at 12:00am CET (Midnight).
You will have to create an account before filling out the form and answering to the questions requested. You will be able to save a draft version before completing and validating your submission. Once ready to submit, you will be asked to agree with the Rules & Regulations governing the Personalised Nutrition For All! Challenge. The Rules & Regulations document can be found below for your review. Winners will be required to make a 2 min max video describing their group and proposed solution, all winners' videos will be screened at the award ceremony.
Presentation of Winning Initiatives and Award Ceremony
Winners will be required to make a 2 min max video describing their group and proposed solution, all winners' videos will be screened at the EIT Food annual event “Let's Get Real about Food” in Brussels on October 17th 2022. During this session, the Prize-based Challenge Personalised Nutrition will be explained (and the involved partnership). Awards will be presented to the winning initiatives. Transfer of the Award-budget will take place following the presentation and maximally prior to December 31st 2022 (as a lump sum transfer).
Subsequent Project
After receiving the Monetary Prize, each winner will have a certain number of months (2 to 6 – TBC) to build a viable project plan. EIT Food will support this phase to make sure that the solution proposed can be feasible and lead to success in the market. EIT Food may then allocate further funding to the most promising projects.
Read the Personalised Nutrition for All! initiative FAQs for more information.
Rules & Regulations
The Challenge is governed by Rules & Regulations, which you must agree with if you intend to submit. Please visit and download the Rules & Regulations for more information.
Questions? Please email PrizeBasedChallenge@eitfood.eu
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