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Aarhus University (AU) is a top 100 university providing research, innovation and education at the highest level across science, technology, health, humanities, arts, business and social sciences, with a strategic focus on food. Specifically, AU is very highly ranked within agricultural and food sciences and among the leading European universities in rankings. We have international expertise across the entire agriculture & food value chain and in linking the nodes of the food systems:

  • Sustainable primary plant and animal production 
  • Food quality, processing, packaging and cascade-utilisation of side streams 
  • Consumer perception, behaviour, diets, lifestyle 

Competences & Capabilities

Main areas of specialisation and technological expertise are:

  • Food quality: chemical, nutritional and sensory-based attributes 
  • Sustainable agriculture and food, organic food, novel protein, LCA 
  • Food, health and well-being for different consumer groups 
  • Food-metabolomics (metabolic changes within the food and ingredients) 
  • Post-harvest, processing and packaging solutions 
  • Consumer behaviour and quality perception 
  • Consumer-driven product development, digital 
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EIT Food is looking for consortia consisting of 3 organisations operating in the same country (scientific organisation + food service provider + packaging company) that would participate in EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs project.