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Redesigning Food Fair and Resilient Food System

This track focuses on disrupting traditional business models and introducing new frameworks in the food industry.


Following all the sessions that you can attend on 15 October at Next Bite event in this track.


Explore all the sessions that you can attend on 16 October at Next Bite event in this track

15 October

  1. 10:00 - 10.50

    Navigating towards a competitive future in food systems

    Explore the dynamic future of food through an integrated approach of innovation, sustainability, and adaptability. Navigate the complexities of digital and environmental transitions while maintaining competitiveness, ensuring fairness in our food systems. Join us as we delve into crucial questions: where do the trade-offs lie? Who bears the costs? Can Europe maintain global competitiveness during these transformative times? Don't miss the opportunity to contribute to shaping the future of sustainable food systems!

  2. 12.50 - 13.45

    Lunch break

  3. 13.45 - 14.45

    Matchmaking time

  4. 14.45 - 15.35

    Protein diversification: Fuelling European food security and competitiveness

    Join our panel to explore the crucial role of protein diversification in bolstering food security and minimising environmental impact. Discover how diversifying protein sources supports resilience and reduces environmental impact. Explore strategies for enhancing EU competitiveness and reducing import dependence through investments in alternative proteins. Gain insights into optimising land use, current R&D readiness, necessary investments, and supporting farmers in this vital transition.

  5. 16:30

    Buses leave to dinner venue

16 October

  1. 10:00 - 10.30

    Unwrapped: Consumer perceptions of cultured meat and precision farming

    Join us to discover the findings from the Consumer Observatory's crucial study on consumer acceptance and hesitance towards cultivated meat and precision fermentation. These promising technologies have the potential to revolutionise food production, but understanding consumer perspectives is key to accelerating their progress. Explore strategies to drive acceptance and adoption of these innovations.

  2. 10.30 - 10.45


  3. 10.45 - 11.35

    Empowering consumers: Catalyst for effective policy change

    How does consumer information ignite policy change and shape public opinion? Join us as we delve into the pivotal role of informed consumers in influencing market dynamics and holding policymakers accountable. Explore how addressing consumer concerns can drive regulations towards a transparent, equitable, and sustainable society.

  4. 11.45 - 12.35

    Biotechnologies: shaping the future of food in Europe

  5. 12.45 - 13.30

    Lunch break

  6. 13.30 - 14.45

    Matchmaking time

  7. 14.45 - 15.35

    Serving sustainability and health: Food-service professionals spearheading just and tasty transitions

  8. 15.45 - 16.15

    Setting the Table: Standardising Food Impact Data

What about the other tracks?

Explore the programme and all the sessions of the other Next Bite tracks.

Healthier Lives Through Food

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Net Zero Food System

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Venture Track

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