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The new regulatory framework for innovative entreprenurship in Spain

The new regulatory framework, with the Startups as a pioneering law at the European level, introduces a revolution for talent, for investment and for the public sector in Spain.

03 Feb 2023
EIT Food South

With the development of the measures of the Spain entrepreneurial Nation Strategy and the approval of the Startups Law, among other developments, the innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem has a new regulatory framework that makes Spain on of the most attractive countries for entrepreneurs and investors. 

  • The talent revolution. Spain now has the best stock options regime in europe. The startups Act improves the tax treatment of stock options so that the workers of emergingi companies have an exemtion of up to 50,000 euros per year without having to pay taxes until they make the decision to sell them (up to maximum period of ten years from their delivery) or in the case of an IPO of the society. In addition, the new law also offers three-year visas for entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and their families, and has launched a new visa for digital nomads. 
  • The investment revolution. With the Startups Act, there is much less bureaucracy for international investors, a specific tax treatment is established for carried interest and there are more incentives for early-stage investment, with tax deductions for business angels. Moreover, in July 2021 the NextTech fund was created, a public-private investment fund to finance growing companies with high technological value with up to 4,000 million euros.
  • Public sector revolution. Thanks to the new Create and Grow Act it is possible to create a startup with only one euro of capital and in six hours. Also, the new regulatory framework for innovative entrepreneurship in Spain offers the possibility of promoting innovation through trial licenses and establishes a single window for entrepreneurs: the National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE), which will offer through a website entrepreneurship support services in collaboration with all public bodies and public and private agents of the ecosystem.

Spain Entrepreneurial Nation

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