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Request for proposals: workshop(s) on the job market opportunities for Ukrainian refugees

EIT Food is looking for an organisation that would carry out workshop(s) on the job market for Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

05 Aug 2022
EIT Food North & East


Since February 24th, almost 3 million Ukrainians entered Poland to escape from the war after the Russian invasion of their country. They received support from non-governmental organisations and regular citizens in terms of basic life needs – food, clothing, and a place to stay, yet lots of them would like to start earning money and being able to afford to cover their costs of living. The Polish job market before the war was already benefiting from the Ukrainian workforce – based on the data from the National Bank of Poland, in 2017 around 900.000 Ukrainians were living in Poland, with the vast majority of them active in the labour market.

From the days of the war, the EIT Food Partner - Food Bank in Olsztyn (located in north-east of Poland) has been organizing help for refugees by collecting food and distributing it among refugees. Food Bank was included in the crisis management system, where - in cooperation with the regional authorities – has been a leading organization and coordinating the collection (not only of food) in this part of Poland. Food Bank in Olsztyn runs also a hostel which was made available to families escaping from Ukraine looking for a shelter. Together with regional organisations, municipalities and cultural institutions Food Bank has organized charity concerts, auctions and many fundraisings with the help of volunteers.
From the very beginning Food Bank in Olsztyn has undertaken activities to support Ukrainian refugees to activate them in social and professional areas. Nowadays there are about 40 refugees, mainly mothers with children who live in Hostel Kuźnia (run by Food Bank).

Building on those good practices of including Ukrainian employees in various types of jobs (sales, IT specialists, physical workers, project managers, and many more) EIT Food CLC NE together with Food Bank in Olsztyn would like to provide introductory training for Ukrainians who want to find their way in the Polish labour market, specifically in the agrifood sector.

Scope of work


The workshop(s) shall address 2 main objectives:

Provide information regarding the job market in Poland – providing participants with necessary knowledge (legal, HR, cultural) and self-confidence to successfully look for a job in Poland, especially on the agrifood market;

Empowering Ukrainian professionals to continue being active in the EU labour market or work for Ukrainian companies from abroad by developing at least three skills defined in the EIT Food Competency Framework (see Annex 1).

Target groups

Female refugees from Ukraine that arrived in Poland after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine (24th of February 2022).

The activity shall be addressing at least 30 participants, whose participation documents will be collected by the EIT Food Partner - Food Bank in Olsztyn.

Selection process

Interested and eligible organisations are invited to submit their proposals by 16 August 2022 23:59 CEST, referring in the e-mail title to “Request for proposals: workshop(s) on the job market opportunities for Ukrainian refugees” Please send the electronic version of the application in English to: Incomplete applications will be automatically rejected.

In case of any questions regarding this request for proposals please contact

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