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Great insights from EWA entrepreneurs for the face-to-face masterclass in Italy

Last 15th of September, EWA's entrepreneurs enjoyed a face-to-face masterclass at PiCampus.

26 Sep 2023
EIT Food South

One of the main objectives of EWA programme is to help women entrepreneurs to develop their professional and personal skills.

For this porpuse, Future Food Institute and Dock3 organised a masterclass on 15th September where the participants had the opportunity to discover and learn about different topics, such as the model canvas or MVP anaysis.

As the masterclass has been held in person, the 10 entrepreneurs with some external experts and mentor, had the opportunity to work together on the different activities proposed for the day.

The day kicked off with a welcome from Future Food Institute and with Sonia Massari, an external expert, who guided the mentees through a session to know each other, explore how we perceive our self and how we are seen by other people.

The second half of the morning has been dedicated to understanding the reason why behind the entrepreneurial projects, the what and the how to make it real."

Experts such as Andrea Dal Piaz, Programme Manager at dock3; Serena Mignucci, CEO & co-Founder at Bufaga and Emiliano Piccinin, COO & co-Founder at MeeTravel shared their knowledge and experience with the entrepreneurs during the day.

In addition to the masterclass, a networking event was held during the Rome Future Week, been this a great opportunity to learn about innovation and the future across Rome.

Both events where held in PiCampus, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage startups.

Future steps... Italian Pitching event is coming!

For Italian EWA entrepreneurs, the pitching competition is around the corner. The next 21st of October they will present her business idea and business model to a broad audience. All pitches will be evaluated by a jury with a selection of the 1st and 2nd place with up to 15.000 euros in prizes.

More information will be available soon. Stad tuned!

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