EIT Food at Researchers' Night in Poland
‘Cosmic’ food, superheroes on a plate, food science, chemical mishmash in the kitchen, flower slow food, and youth potions from antioxidants. Those were some of the food celebration events showcased by scientists from the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS and experts from MASPEX during Researchers’ Night with EIT Food in Olsztyn, Poland.
On September 27th more than thousand consumers took part in the EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda events, held in Olsztyn’s biggest shopping mall. School children, teachers, adults and seniors had the opportunity to explore and analyse food while learning about balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits. On September 27th more than thousand consumers took part in the EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda events, held in Olsztyn’s biggest shopping mall. School children, teachers, adults and seniors had the opportunity to explore and analyse food while learning about balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits.
The event was part of the third season of EIT Food #AnnualFoodAgenda #HealthierNutrition.
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