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Call for local organisations supporting EIT Cross-KIC Circular Economy in Western Balkans Citizen Engagement Activities implementation

EIT Food invites local organizations from the Western Balkan region (eligible countries are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo) that have specific connection through education, research and/or citizen activities to Circular Economy to apply and participate within the program as the local co-organizer of the Citizen Engagement Activities competition.

07 Oct 2021
EIT Food North & East

How is the Activity structured?

Citizen Engagement Activities competition is designed as a cross-sectoral competition for local opinion leaders: NGOs representatives, researchers, doctoral and master students, startups and any citizens passionate about addressing key environmental challenges. They will be invited to design a citizen engagement activity promoting circular economy in a pre-defined format. All proposals will be evaluated and the best will be invited to pitch finals to select and award the best ones with financial prizes. The organisation selected in this call will help EIT  Food to recruit participants, evaluate proposed activities and organize finals to select and award the best submissions. 

Eligible organisations

Organizations eligible for this call are:

  • Legal persons (such as companies, incubators or accelerators, innovation centres, higher education institutes, research institutes, non-governmental organisations, associations etc.);
  • Operating in a country/region targeted by the call;
  • Able to sign a subcontracting agreement with EIT Food’s Co-Location Centre North-East and act as a subcontractor in a project funded based on Horizon Europe/EIT modalities;
  • Recognised as important actors in the local innovation ecosystems;
  • Capable of organising local events and able to organise the Citizen Engagement Activities competition in their country before the end of November with country finals taking place as an on-site or on-line event (to be chosen depending on the local pandemic situation).

How to apply? 

Interested and eligible organisations are invited to submit their applications in English by 15 October 2021, 15:00 CEST using the attached template: Citizen Engagement Activities – Call for local organizations supporting project implementation. Application form. Please send the electronic version of the application, based on the form provided below, to:

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