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Call for contributors to support implementation of Regenerative Agriculture Revolution in CEE region during the period 2022-2024

EIT Food is looking for organisations in CEE region that would support implementation of Regenerative Agriculture Revolution project during the period 2022-2024.

09 Jun 2022
EIT Food North & East

What is the EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture Revolution

Regenerative Agriculture Revolution is a project aiming to help farmers in Central and Eastern Europe to learn about and transition to more sustainable methods of agriculture. In 2022 – 2024 (1), we would like to provide training sessions, individual advisory to the farmers, long-term soil monitoring of the farms and promotion services to a wider audience in each country.

Eligible ogranisations are:

  • Legal persons, such as companies, incubators or accelerators, higher education institutes, research institutes, non-governmental organisations (please note consortia are not eligible for this call),
  • Operating in target countries – Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia or Slovenia,
  • Recognised as important players in the local, national, agricultural ecosystem with strong outreach in the farmer community,
  • Proven track record of expertise in and promotion of sustainable agriculture practices.

Selection process

Interested and eligible organisations are invited to submit their applications by 5 July 2022, 23:59 pm CEST, using the attached Application Form (documents can be downloaded below). Please send the electronic version of the application, based on the attached template, to:

Benefits for selected organisations:

  • Ability to benefit from the collaboration with EIT Food and the EIT community (as subcontractors in EIT Food activities);
  • Subcontracting agreement with relevant EIT Food CLC North-East with gross funding of 25 000€ per country and per year to cover the eligible costs of the EIT Food Regenerative Agriculture Revolution Project’s planning and organization as specified in this call;
  • Knowledge and organisational support of EIT Food CLC North-East in organising and implementing the actions.

Deadline for applications: 5.07.2022, 23:59pm CET.

Below you can download the Call for contributors Regenerative Agriculture Revolution 2022-2024, the Application Form and the Agreement Template.

(1) EIT Food will conclude one year agreement that shall be renewed in a form of annex for a successive period of at least one (1) year (if CLC confirms fulfilment of the specific criteria, based on objectively measurable indicators set up in article 5.3). The last renewal year is 2024.

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