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Net Zero Food System

We will enable the transition to a net zero food system, measuring and quantifying the change through reduced CO2 equivalent emissions.

The food system is responsible for almost a third of greenhouse gas emissions, with connected challenges such as food waste, resource depletion and energy consumption.

To reach net zero and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis, we must scale a systems approach to change that enables the transition to sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices, creates new markets and opportunities for food waste and loss reduction, and empowers all stakeholders to play an active role in the circular food economy.

EIT Food's Net Zero Food System mission framework is based on three targets where the EIT Food community can have the most impact, and in the areas of greatest need. These are:

  • Establishing regenerative agriculture as a commercially viable option in key value chain
  • Reducing food loss and waste
  • Growing the circular food economy through packaging and labelling.

This is reflected in our community building and advocacy activities and underpins the design of our funding and partnership opportunities.

Deep dive into our research on creating a net zero food system, and the actions we recommend

Real progress towards a net zero food system requires radical food systems transformation so that food produced in a sustainable, equitable and affordable way is available to all people.

To achieve this, key enablers of change include the integration of data into all value chain measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) processes, the overcoming of barriers to behaviour change in the farming community, and a change in consumer behaviour.

Key findings


Enablers for change

Have an idea that will improve the food system?

Want to get involved with our community? We regularly bring people together to help us all reach for our shared goals – and we’ve launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote and fund ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all.

Net Zero Food System insight report

EIT Food has published a Net Zero Food System Insight report, co-designed and authored by a community of experts and organisations committed to driving change in this Mission area.

This report describes the agrifood systems change we all need to see to improve the environmental of our food system. The transformation needed is more action than any one organisation is capable of by itself.

Download the report

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How EIT Food is creating a Net Zero Food System

Podcast #30

Does food need to be packaged?

Archana Jagannathan (Senior Director Sustainable Packaging at PepsiCo) and Daphna Nissenbaum (Co-Founder of compostable packaging company…
Podcast #23

Food in crisis: is the food system resilient enough?

Matt and Lukxmi are joined by Professor Chris Elliott OBE from Queens University Belfast (Founder of the Institute for Global Food…
Podcast #01

Can we really feed 10 billion people by 2050?

Listen to our launch episode of The Food Fight podcast as Professor Corinna Hawkes, Director of the Centre for Food Policy of City…
This World Food Day, we are celebrating and supporting the agrifood startups who are playing a crucial role in battling world hunger and other challenges presented by COVID-19.

Looking for more content related to Net Zero Food System?

Related startups in our network

Across the world, farmers are putting regenerative practices into place. From developing agrifood startups to large scale farms, farming for a better climate is proving to yield positive results.

13 European agrifood start-ups to keep an eye on

September 29, 2020 - Nutrition Investor
in the media
Portfolio companies of the EIT Food Covid-19 Bridge Fund, these businesses have disruptive technology and are fast approaching launch to market.
As part of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy sets out a vision to change the way Europeans value food sustainability and to position Europe as the first climate neutral continent by 2050.

Investing in the future of agrifood

August 26, 2020 - New Food Magazine
in the media
Andy Zynga, CEO of EIT Food, tells New Food about the importance of startups in the wake of COVID-19 and how the organisation is investing in vital agrifood research and development.
As the Earth’s population rises and the need for sustainable food production continues to grow, farmers and policymakers are taking an increasing interest in regenerative agriculture as a positive, adaptable approach to sustainable farming.
in the media
As elsewhere, the Covid-19 pandemic has ruptured both business and access to capital for Europe’s startups. To help early-stage companies stay afloat, the EU’s main innovation community builder, the European Institute of Innovation and…

"EIT Food outlines M&A prospects and food trends."

August 19, 2020 - Food Manufacture
in the media
Short-term prospects for food industry mergers and acquisitions, the sector's resilience during the pandemic and emerging product trends feature in the second part of this exclusive interview with EIT Food boss Andy Zynga.
in the media
The U.K. is just four missed meals away from revolution. At least, that is said to be the view of analysts at intelligence agency, M15. It’s not a novel opinion. Track backwards to 1906 and journalist Alfred Henry Lewis said - marginally…
Podcast #30

Does food need to be packaged?

Archana Jagannathan (Senior Director Sustainable Packaging at PepsiCo) and Daphna Nissenbaum (Co-Founder of compostable packaging company…
Podcast #23

Food in crisis: is the food system resilient enough?

Matt and Lukxmi are joined by Professor Chris Elliott OBE from Queens University Belfast (Founder of the Institute for Global Food…
Podcast #01

Can we really feed 10 billion people by 2050?

Listen to our launch episode of The Food Fight podcast as Professor Corinna Hawkes, Director of the Centre for Food Policy of City…
This World Food Day, we are celebrating and supporting the agrifood startups who are playing a crucial role in battling world hunger and other challenges presented by COVID-19.
Across the world, farmers are putting regenerative practices into place. From developing agrifood startups to large scale farms, farming for a better climate is proving to yield positive results.

13 European agrifood start-ups to keep an eye on

September 29, 2020 - Nutrition Investor
in the media
Portfolio companies of the EIT Food Covid-19 Bridge Fund, these businesses have disruptive technology and are fast approaching launch to market.
As part of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork Strategy sets out a vision to change the way Europeans value food sustainability and to position Europe as the first climate neutral continent by 2050.

Investing in the future of agrifood

August 26, 2020 - New Food Magazine
in the media
Andy Zynga, CEO of EIT Food, tells New Food about the importance of startups in the wake of COVID-19 and how the organisation is investing in vital agrifood research and development.
As the Earth’s population rises and the need for sustainable food production continues to grow, farmers and policymakers are taking an increasing interest in regenerative agriculture as a positive, adaptable approach to sustainable farming.
in the media
As elsewhere, the Covid-19 pandemic has ruptured both business and access to capital for Europe’s startups. To help early-stage companies stay afloat, the EU’s main innovation community builder, the European Institute of Innovation and…

"EIT Food outlines M&A prospects and food trends."

August 19, 2020 - Food Manufacture
in the media
Short-term prospects for food industry mergers and acquisitions, the sector's resilience during the pandemic and emerging product trends feature in the second part of this exclusive interview with EIT Food boss Andy Zynga.
in the media
The U.K. is just four missed meals away from revolution. At least, that is said to be the view of analysts at intelligence agency, M15. It’s not a novel opinion. Track backwards to 1906 and journalist Alfred Henry Lewis said - marginally…
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