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Healthier Lives Through Food

We will make a material difference to quality of life by enabling more consumers to have better choices through access to affordable, healthier food products and actionable information.

Nutritious, diverse food choices can benefit people and planet.

Yet healthy food choices are not accessible to all consumers, nor viable for industry at scale due to affordability, lack of awareness and profitability.

Working as a community, EIT Food aims to increase the uptake of balanced, sustainable and healthy diets.
We raise awareness about the relationship between nutrition and health. We provide support for innovative solutions for affordable products. And we offer policy interventions that prioritise soil health, nutrition and food education.

EIT Food's Healthier Lives Through Food mission framework is based on three targets where the EIT Food community can have the most impact, and in the areas of greatest need. These are:

  • Improving product choice and supply for a balanced diet for people and planet
  • Diversifying protein choices for food products
  • Optimising the nutrient density of food.

This is reflected in our community building and advocacy activities and underpins the design of our funding and partnership opportunities.

Deep dive into our research on creating healthier lives, and the actions we recommend

Real progress to prevent diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) needs radical food systems transformation so that nutritious, safe, affordable, and sustainable diets are available to all people. This also needs to be associated with the importance of exercise.

Addressing diet-related NCDs can only be achieved through dietary behaviour change, which requires a variety of stakeholders working hand in hand to set priorities for NCDs to be tackled and action points to be addressed.

Above all it requires the engagement of all populations, including disadvantaged groups who may lack the financial resources, time and/or knowledge to make major lifestyle changes.

Key findings

NCDs to prioritise

Have an idea that will improve the food system?

Want to get involved with our community? We regularly bring people together to help us all reach for our shared goals – and we’ve launched a competitive, open Impact Funding Framework to promote and fund ambitious, long-term collaboration that will lead to food systems change to benefit us all.

Healthier Lives Through Food insight report

EIT Food has published a Healthier Lives Through Food Insight report, co-designed and authored by a community of experts and organisations committed to driving change in this Mission area.

This report describes the agrifood systems change we all need to see to improve health outcomes from our diets. The transformation needed is more action than any one organisation is capable of by itself.

Download the report

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How EIT Food is creating Healthier Lives Through Food

FoodAmbassadors is a project that aims to engage food and health Influencers in order to co-create science-based content for their community.

Games of Food

2019 > 2020
Games of Food is increasing public awareness around balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle through the use of Escape games.


2018 > 2024
A community creating the future of food together
Improving communication of food health claims. This project builds on a previous programme of work to engage consumers and manufacturers on the wording of food health claims, with the aim of increasing consumer confidence and trust.

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Related startups in our network

Sugar reduction in foods remains challenging; it is not only the sweetness of sugar but also physiochemical properties and cost that have to be matched.

Health SnaP

2019 > 2020
The purpose of this activity is to support healthy eating by developing a new food manufacturing technology and B2C business concept for at-site customised production of healthy snacks.
Consumers are looking for convenience. This is reflected in the growth of food e-delivery. However, the extra traffic causes problems in dense populated areas and has a high impact on the environment (CO2, particulate matter,….).
Saturated fat intake in most EU states still exceed the guidelines for reducing cardiovascular disease risk.
The aim of this project is to make tuber or root-based snacks healthier to meet demand for healthier snacks in developed markets and deliver needed nutrients through commonly consumed foods in developing countries.
Spreads are very popular. However, they consist of a high percentage of saturated fatty acids, often based on palm fat, sometimes also including trans-fat.
Consumers are increasingly demanding healthier products to fulfil their personalised nutrition needs and more natural foods (clean label) in which they can put their trust. Both are nowadays key and challenge drivers for the food industry.
FoodAmbassadors is a project that aims to engage food and health Influencers in order to co-create science-based content for their community.

Games of Food

2019 > 2020
Games of Food is increasing public awareness around balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle through the use of Escape games.


2018 > 2024
A community creating the future of food together
Improving communication of food health claims. This project builds on a previous programme of work to engage consumers and manufacturers on the wording of food health claims, with the aim of increasing consumer confidence and trust.
Sugar reduction in foods remains challenging; it is not only the sweetness of sugar but also physiochemical properties and cost that have to be matched.

Health SnaP

2019 > 2020
The purpose of this activity is to support healthy eating by developing a new food manufacturing technology and B2C business concept for at-site customised production of healthy snacks.
Consumers are looking for convenience. This is reflected in the growth of food e-delivery. However, the extra traffic causes problems in dense populated areas and has a high impact on the environment (CO2, particulate matter,….).
Saturated fat intake in most EU states still exceed the guidelines for reducing cardiovascular disease risk.
The aim of this project is to make tuber or root-based snacks healthier to meet demand for healthier snacks in developed markets and deliver needed nutrients through commonly consumed foods in developing countries.
Spreads are very popular. However, they consist of a high percentage of saturated fatty acids, often based on palm fat, sometimes also including trans-fat.
Consumers are increasingly demanding healthier products to fulfil their personalised nutrition needs and more natural foods (clean label) in which they can put their trust. Both are nowadays key and challenge drivers for the food industry.
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