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Regenerative Grazing. Milk production on pasture and context-adapted animals

Thu, September 19, 2024
until Thu, September 19, 2024
Alpeggio del Consorzio Vacche Rosse (Ventasso, RE) (Ventasso, 42030 Ventasso, Reggio Emilia, Italia)

The second of a series of 4 days in different farms / regions, with a focus on Regenerative Zootechnics. Originated from the collaboration between CREA and EIT Food, the objective: to provide both theoretical-practical tools and concrete examples for starting and managing pasture-based animal operations.

Day 2 – Regenerative management of cattle in alpine pastures
8.30-10.00 Participants’ registration and travel to the alpine pasture
10.00-11.30 The use of mountain pasture: a human-animal-environment co-evolution
11.30-13.00 Opportunities and limitations of alpine grazing: the vertical foraging chain, how to organize an alpine grazing season
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.30 Adapted and trained animals: alpine pasture tests our animals by bringing out the strengths and weaknesses of individuals
16.30-17.30 Herd selection-what to watch for and how to put it into practice

Registration link: Regenerative Agriculture Farmer Application Form 2024 (

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