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Collaborating with Young Professionals: YPP Workshop in Leuven

Tue, June 25, 2024
until Tue, June 25, 2024
Leuven, Belgium (Philipssite 5 Bus 34 Entrance A, 3001 Leuven, Belgium)

This year, EIT Food launched the Young Professionals Platform (YPP), a project where EIT Food offers space for youth-led organisations in the agrifood sector to collaborate together and with EIT Food with the overarching goal of achieving a healthy, sustainable resilient food system for all.

During the in-person workshop on June, 25th we invite you to discuss and co-create with us the collaboration between EIT Food and participants of the YPP – YPARD, IAAS, FAO, APPatEIT, and EIT Food Alumni.

We will build this workshop on the input from the kick-off meeting in April, where we identified the main needs and potential points of collaboration between EIT Food and the organizations-participants of the YPP. Potential collaboration opportunities may be: involving youth in EIT Food events, communicating EIT Food activities among young professionals and collaborating on other activities – this can be defined by all of us during the workshop.

I encourage all EIT Food teams to participate in this discussion – join us in the Leuven office on the 25th of June!

How to prepare:

  • Have a look at the pre-read that offers brief information about the EIT Food teams and Youth Organizations
  • Be ready to share your team’s activities
  • Have a look at the outcomes of the kick-off session – it’s a summary of our needs and offerings and potential collaboration opportunities. ➡️

When: 25th June, 9:30 am 

9:30 – 10:00 - Coffee and arrivals

10:00 - 10:45 - Introduction of the YPP

11:00 - 12:45 - Discussion on collaboration and brainstorming

12:45 - 13:30 - Lunch

The second half of the workshop will cover administrative and practical questions and will be mostly interesting to the organizations-participants of YPP

13:30 - 16:00 - Detailed strategy planning and practical information

16:00 - Wrap-up

Where: EIT Food HQ, Leuven 

Philipssite 5 Bus 34 Entrance A, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

Who is invited: EIT Food employees and representatives of organizations-members of the YPP

RSVP to confirm your attendance!

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