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ekolive offers eco-innovative bioleaching with European Commission Green Guarantee (ETV) developed over 35 years by leading scientists in biotechnology for processing of waste/low-grade minerals. Using this technology, a new generation of unique (i.e. natural) bio|me|stimulants will be produced, certified for organic farming. These consist of unchanged, but "trained", healthy probiotic and plant-growth-promoting bacteria, contain a wide range of biostimulating metabolites produced by the bacteria – dozens of proteins, organic acids, bacteriocins and alcohols, microalgae and liquid minerals, as well as trace elements dissolved by the acids. This not only increases yield, significantly increases root and biomass, increases the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers, but also provides high immunity to a wide range of diseases and improves many natural mechanisms in plants by stimulating hormones and siderophores. 

For farmers and the food industry, this offers a low-cost, ecological solution that secures harvests and yields and helps generate high revenues and healthy/safe food.

Competences and capabilities

  • Mineral Weathering – Solubilizing nutrients, improving nutrient uptake/availability in soil
  • reduction of agrochemicals; Increasing the efficiency of classic fertilizers
  • Fixation of CO2 and nitrogen, reduction of NH3 emissions
  • Restoring soil structure, maintaining moisture, saving water
  • Biological remediation of contamination, including pesticide residues, microbial-assisted phytoremediation
  • Prevention of diseases – viruses, fungi and bacteria, pathogens
  • Increased resistance to drought, high temperatures, frost
  • Increase in chlorophyll and improve photosynthesis for higher biomass
  • Higher yield with improved taste and higher sugar content, protein and oil increase
  • Waste recycling/circular economy

What is your innovation, and who does this help?

We noticed that grass was exploding in growth wherever we spilt the liquid residue. Instead of recycling the byproduct, which would be costly, we realised it could be a valuable product for the agriculture sector.

This led us to develop our bio fertiliser Ekofertileᵀᴹ, which contains plant growth promoting bacteria, organic acids, and dissolved nutrients. Through the use of Ekofertileᵀᴹ biofertiliser growers can double their yields without the use of chemicals and pesticides.

With over 30% of the world’s farmland exhausted of key nutrients - and often contaminated - Ekolive’s biofertiliser presents a more sustainable alternative for producers to increase yields without the need to use chemicals and pesticides.

Currently, what are your biggest challenges, and how has the Seedbed Incubator programme helped you to overcome these?

Recognising that we are not experts in the agricultural field, the Ekolive team applied to be part of the EIT Food Accelerator Network in 2021 as a way of introducing and immersing ourselves within the agrifood market.

Being part of the EIT Food Accelerator Network gave our team access to agrifood specific workshops and mentoring on a wide range of topics, as well as networking opportunities with industry experts, research organisations and corporates.

What were the highlights of the programme?

When asked what were the benefits of joining EIT FAN, Ekolive CEO Darina Styriaková explained that with the help of EIT Food, they were added to the European Input List for organic agriculture in just a few months, and that the programme helped them to grow their sales and strategically expand their team.

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EIT Food is sponsoring a startup pavilion at the Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) conference in Paris from 6-8 December 2022. Here we hear from startups in our community about what they hope to gain from the event.