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Better Origin closes the food waste loop by transforming organic  waste  into  sustainable  agricultural  inputs,  using  an  insect  called  the  Black  Soldier  Fly  (BSF)  as   a   conversion   catalyst.   BSF   larvae   efficiently   convert  95%  of  organic  waste  into  complex  fats  and  proteins  in  their  bodies.  Leveraging  our  novel  post-processing  technology,  we  refine  these  compounds  into aquaculture feed and organic fertiliser in a cheap, scalable  and  sustainable  manner.  Overall,  this  is  an  innovative way of turning waste material into a set of valuable, sustainable resources.


We are very interested in collaborating with other organisations involved in the food industry who share a similar vision around the Circular Economy. We are particularly focused on developing partnerships in the following areas: Waste feedstock assessment & analysis; Prototype system design and deployment; Nutritional analysis & benchmarking; Food safety assessments & pathogen testing; Plant trials; Fish trials; Market sizing & supply chain analysis; Regulatory approval, licensing & planning assessments.

Competences & Capabilities

Our main competencies and capabilities are in the following areas:

  • Organic waste conversion trials
  • Insect protein / oil feed preparations & formulations
  • Biological conditions experimentation & optimization
  • Engineering design & operation for insectrearing at large scale
  • Organic fertilizer preparations and trials
  • Supply chain & logistics model optimization
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An EIT Food funded project transformed organic waste streams into, a valuable, next generation sustainable aquaculture feed ingredient called METAFEED Alpha.